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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

You guys got to stop messin with my brain. It took me a good minute to see the cake.
Love blueberries!
dinner death.png
I saw this earlier, but I apparently missed the joke at first read. Wow. That's dark.

Yeah, some of them.... I think that's what @Liveto99 was talking about.

There are things that will hit folks differently depending on their experiences. I've been through a ton that makes me want to see the funny in many things. The Jeffrey Dahmer type of stuff is particularly funny because, not only did I live through it here, I lived within blocks of that doorknob, and my wife dated the son of the lawyer that defended him. See what I mean? Others in my situation might find it beyond offensive, I chose to look at it a different way. Our place on the lake - within a mile of the Eagle Scout that supposedly killed a man just to see if he could get away with it. My neighbor's kid went to high school with the guy, and the guy likely killed one of their dogs. The neighbor and I say to each other all the time "If people could figure out why we can laugh at stuff like THIS, the world would be a better place". On that one, the wife's grandfather as well as her uncle were morticians. Some of the stories I could share with you guys...at family functions, the laughs...?‍♂️

If anything I posted offended anyone, know that it wasn't meant to - there IS humor to be found in lots of things.
Long time Army here - thick skin. Certainly no offense over a harmless joke. Thanks for trying to make us all laugh! :)
Yeah, some of them.... I think that's what @Liveto99 was talking about.

There are things that will hit folks differently depending on their experiences. I've been through a ton that makes me want to see the funny in many things. The Jeffrey Dahmer type of stuff is particularly funny because, not only did I live through it here, I lived within blocks of that doorknob, and my wife dated the son of the lawyer that defended him. See what I mean? Others in my situation might find it beyond offensive, I chose to look at it a different way. Our place on the lake - within a mile of the Eagle Scout that supposedly killed a man just to see if he could get away with it. My neighbor's kid went to high school with the guy, and the guy likely killed one of their dogs. The neighbor and I say to each other all the time "If people could figure out why we can laugh at stuff like THIS, the world would be a better place". On that one, the wife's grandfather as well as her uncle were morticians. Some of the stories I could share with you guys...at family functions, the laughs...?‍♂️

If anything I posted offended anyone, know that it wasn't meant to - there IS humor to be found in lots of things.
It’s all good I just need to read this after 6:30 am ?
It’s all good I just need to read this after 6:30 am ?

That's another item - I work 3pm to 4-7am. My "daytime" is 180 degrees from 99% of everyone. Hope you can still get your morning coffee down :winkingthumbsup"