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I know, most here are not sailors...but I think you will get it. lol

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The regular gas station pumps for your cars don't have a dang thing on the idiotic truck stop pumps I often have to fill up at.

Add the following:

Please enter unit number (this cold snap has made the screens SO DAMN LAGGY, I've OFTEN missed or added numbers, requiring a wait to reset)
Please enter driver number
Please enter hub reading (mileage)
Is this for your (select one) 1)Tractor 2)Trailer 3)Reefer
Select regular diesel or premium diesel (winterized, really)
Do you want to purchase DEF?
Do you wish to purchase bottled products? (Seriously, WTEVERLOVINF, "bottled products"?!?!?!?!?) You also have to GO INSIDE at ANY place I've been to in order to get these.
Do you wish to purchase a truck wash?
Do you want to print receipt?
Do you wish to purchase other products?
And the final kick in the ass is having to press a button to dismiss the "you are eligible for gas-n-go", meaning I don't have to go inside to pick up a receipt....AFTER I've already had to select yes/no for printing a receipt at the pump.

Emmer effers, go sell that shit to someone else, or SAVE IT for warmer weather.