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The Vaccine

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@Yambers Well I seriously hope you are taken care of if the surgery is needed and you come out being a whole person I know I had a rude awakening as to what life is like when you can not function without agonizing pain, It made me wondered how different the world would be if mankind spent the money, time and energy on easing the pain and suffering of others rather than conjuring up better ways to create it and cast it upon others so willingly .
Totally agree, and thank you. I hope you get relief soon as well. Back pain, any pain, sucks.
Vermont just lifted all covid restrictions, 80.8% of residents have been vaccinated.
Vermont just lifted all covid restrictions, 80.8% of residents have been vaccinated.
Vermont sure leads the pack! My State...not so good.....
(I think your number is at least one shot vs fully vaccinated?)

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Recently the president of Baystate Medical said people with previous infection have protection. There has been very little insight on what level the protection is.
So what's everyone's experience with the vaccine? I'll start....

Got the first shot of Pfizer Thursday, March 11 through Denton County Health. Went to Texas Motor Speedway as instructed for the drive thru vaccine administration. All I can say is wow. What a well oiled machine. This thing will be written about in the history books. They were giving the shot Tuesdays and Thursdays and running somewhere around 35,000 people a week through there +/- 10,000 people. From start to finish I was thru in about 25 minutes and that is counting the 15 min observation period.

That night I had a fever and pretty bad body aches. The next day I had body aches and very fatigued. Had a meeting at lunch and after meeting came home and passed out on the couch, which is unusual for me. Saturday morning still fatigued but I pounded some gatorade and water and managed to play a round of golf that afternoon. By Saturday evening I was normal. To preface this I will add I had a bad case of Covid in mid Dec. Nine days with fever between 99.5 - 101F. Body aches for 5 days, dry cough, tight chest, fatigue, loss of taste and smell. Took roughly 3 weeks to fully recover from cough. I'm also type A+ blood.

I get my 2nd dose tomorrow at 1:30 at Texas Motor Speedway and to say my anxiety is very high about getting sick again would be an understatement. Will update later.
I got the second dose of Pfizer the first week of April. There is absolutely wrong nothing me with.
BigN, I too had it in early December, 9 days with 101 everything but the lingering cough. 27 days to feel right. I get antibody tests on the 15h and still show positive for IgG

That story really draws on the heart strings... wonder if she feels/acts when she deals with dying patients of heart disease? I believe that still killed more people than Covid during this pandemic.

I wonder if she says: "Sorry, but you chose to eat McDonalds 4x a week... the best way to honor your family member is to start dieting, get regular exercise, and avoid this list of food." on a regular basis? Probably not - and this is why her patients think it's a hoax. Because sickcare hasn't been interested in promoting actual health care until covid. And they certainly didn't do any favors when hitching their horses to partially incorrect or flat out wrong data during the pandemic. Just off the top of my head...
  • "You won't need a mask." "WEAR A F'ING MASK"
  • "No lockdowns necessary." "STAY IN YOUR F'ING HOUSE OR WE'LL ARREST YOU."
  • "Stay 6 feet apart." "Stay 3' apart now."
  • "Schools should be remote only." "Actually, schools should be open now."
  • "Put up plexiglass everywhere!" "Plexiglass does nothing."
  • "Super spreader events!" "Actually no super spreader events actually happened."
Vax/no vax. Seatbelt/no seatbelt. Helmet/no helmet. Exercise/tv. Burger King/celery. Smoking/no smoking. Alcohol/sobriety.

Life is full of choices - some may impact your lifespan. Some may not. Freedom has consequences, good and bad. But freedom of choice should be absolute.
No one finds it a bit suspicious that a more deadly and contagious variant appears right after vaccination rates fall flat?
So, it's only MORE CONTAGIOUS. If you read the articles on "delta variant" they only talk about transmission rates being higher. However what data I have read on lethality, is that (apparently like most mutations), transmission goes up, lethality goes down. But that's not "if it bleeds, it leads" newsworthy click bait.

So yes, be prepared for another panic-dema from the media and politicians. But also, "just the flu" might be 100% accurate this fall.
So, it's only MORE CONTAGIOUS. If you read the articles on "delta variant" they only talk about transmission rates being higher. However what data I have read on lethality, is that (apparently like most mutations), transmission goes up, lethality goes down. But that's not "if it bleeds, it leads" newsworthy click bait.

So yes, be prepared for another panic-dema from the media and politicians. But also, "just the flu" might be 100% accurate this fall.
From my own anecdotal experience with my teams in India, the Delta variant kills younger people with no co-morbitities. We had no deaths in my company in the US, and in India we have 4 dead from Covid. Ages: 26, 33, 36, 42. Tiny sample size. None had underlying conditions (that we know of).

Variants are bound to happen....its the natural process at work. Silly to think there is someone/something at work....other than the natural process.

Was talking with my brother last night and he was adamant that we aren't "selling" the vaccines the right way. We need to talk about the financial impacts of not being vaccinated. His restaurant manager just got it (not vaccinated), He told him back in March, "if you get covid, I can't have you work for 2 weeks, and you won't get paid for 2 weeks. You live paycheck to paycheck - so make the call - you ok with going into debt because you fear a needle?" - His manager is now realizing the error.

But its more than just individual costs. Tourism will be impacted big time - and Florida is a Massive tourist attraction. If we have further factory shutdowns or slow downs....part supplies will AGAIN be fouled up. The snow ball will just keep rolling.

All because people fear a vaccine that they THINK was developed in 1 year, when in reality it began in 1999. Or they fear needles. Or they fear big government. Etc. Sad.

99.5% if hospitalizations in my county are unvaccinated people. You can't really come up with better evidence than this. I got the J&J, and as soon as I can I'm getting a Pfizer or Moderna booster!
From my own anecdotal experience with my teams in India, the Delta variant kills younger people with no co-morbitities. We had no deaths in my company in the US, and in India we have 4 dead from Covid. Ages: 26, 33, 36, 42. Tiny sample size. None had underlying conditions (that we know of).

Variants are bound to happen....its the natural process at work. Silly to think there is someone/something at work....other than the natural process.

Was talking with my brother last night and he was adamant that we aren't "selling" the vaccines the right way. We need to talk about the financial impacts of not being vaccinated. His restaurant manager just got it (not vaccinated), He told him back in March, "if you get covid, I can't have you work for 2 weeks, and you won't get paid for 2 weeks. You live paycheck to paycheck - so make the call - you ok with going into debt because you fear a needle?" - His manager is now realizing the error.

But its more than just individual costs. Tourism will be impacted big time - and Florida is a Massive tourist attraction. If we have further factory shutdowns or slow downs....part supplies will AGAIN be fouled up. The snow ball will just keep rolling.

All because people fear a vaccine that they THINK was developed in 1 year, when in reality it began in 1999. Or they fear needles. Or they fear big government. Etc. Sad.

99.5% if hospitalizations in my county are unvaccinated people. You can't really come up with better evidence than this. I got the J&J, and as soon as I can I'm getting a Pfizer or Moderna booster!

This argument is horrible. As stated many times, the vaccine does not prevent COVID. If he gets COVID he is staying home for 2 weeks either way.

Tourism is booming here in FL. Being one of the first states to be fully open, people flocked here. We have much bigger concerns about red tide than COVID.
From my own anecdotal experience with my teams in India, the Delta variant kills younger people with no co-morbitities. We had no deaths in my company in the US, and in India we have 4 dead from Covid. Ages: 26, 33, 36, 42. Tiny sample size. None had underlying conditions (that we know of).

Variants are bound to happen....its the natural process at work. Silly to think there is someone/something at work....other than the natural process.

Was talking with my brother last night and he was adamant that we aren't "selling" the vaccines the right way. We need to talk about the financial impacts of not being vaccinated. His restaurant manager just got it (not vaccinated), He told him back in March, "if you get covid, I can't have you work for 2 weeks, and you won't get paid for 2 weeks. You live paycheck to paycheck - so make the call - you ok with going into debt because you fear a needle?" - His manager is now realizing the error.

But its more than just individual costs. Tourism will be impacted big time - and Florida is a Massive tourist attraction. If we have further factory shutdowns or slow downs....part supplies will AGAIN be fouled up. The snow ball will just keep rolling.

All because people fear a vaccine that they THINK was developed in 1 year, when in reality it began in 1999. Or they fear needles. Or they fear big government. Etc. Sad.

99.5% if hospitalizations in my county are unvaccinated people. You can't really come up with better evidence than this. I got the J&J, and as soon as I can I'm getting a Pfizer or Moderna booster!
Thank you for the information - well put. I feel like there probably are some external conditions related to your coworkers in India that could have had an impact. For instance, compared to the US (source: India vs United States: Health Facts and Stats)

India's life expectancy is 64 vs. 76 in males in the US
Hospitals beds per 1000 people is .3 vs. 3.3 in the US
Physicians per 1000 people are .6 vs. 2.3 in the US

As you said, the "salesmanship" of this vax will go down as the biggest blunder in the U.S. since we ignored the warnings of an attack on Pearl Harbor. I believe the history books will call out both political parties for using covid and the vax for gain at the expense of human life.

The saying I keep hearing, and I agree with, is "If our health is so important, why aren't all other treatments for major medical issues free and/or daily headlines?" That is 100% spot on why people do.not.trust these vaccines and the puppets that promote them.
If our health is so important, why aren't all other treatments for major medical issues free and/or daily headlines?" That is 100% spot on why people do.not.trust these vaccines and the puppets that promote them.
No to mention "fully" vaccinated Olympic athletes testing Positive. How does that inspire confidence in getting vaxd
"If our health is so important, why aren't all other treatments for major medical issues free and/or daily headlines?"
Because we run a for profit healthcare system in this country. You don't make money giving things free. Medical bankruptcy is #1 reason.....pretty sick (pardon the pun).

This argument is horrible. As stated many times, the vaccine does not prevent COVID. If he gets COVID he is staying home for 2 weeks either way.
Nope....no one (except perhaps some idiot politicians) ever said it would PREVENT Covid either. But it is highly effective at reducing your symptoms to something that won't kill you (like its killed 300,000 already). The numbers are pretty clear. You want to prevent your own death from Covid---get vaccinated - its very effective.

Compare this to Polio and the two vaccines have eliminated polio from most of the world, and reduced the number of cases reported each year from an estimated 350,000 in 1988 to 33 in 2018. Modern medicine at work. Amazing!
No to mention "fully" vaccinated Olympic athletes testing Positive. How does that inspire confidence in getting vaxd
There is a difference between testing positive and, having been vaccinated, more likely to experience mild symptoms - and dying, no? This is statistically beyond any dispute unless one chooses to play dumb.

Not to mention, societal implications of vaccinating.
As someone correctly pointed out, we would still have polio if current anti-vaccine attitudes prevailed back when it was eradicated. With vaccination.

In many regards, covid vaccination is very similar to polio, except way better controlled.


Comes with everything you see here:

Table of Contents:

1. Summary of 18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

2. Consensus:

2 ... If you disagree with the WHO or the CDC, you get censored.
3 ... [Insert highly-credentialed expert here] disagrees with the scientific consensus.
4 ... Why is social media censoring stuff?

3. Trust:

5 ... Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson have bad track records.
6 ... Why are vaccine makers immune from liability?
7 ... Were the COVID-19 vaccines rushed?
8 ... Does Dr. Fauci have conflict of interest with Moderna?
9 ... Does Dr. Fauci have conflict of interest with gain-of-function research?
10 ... Ethics

4. Can you trust the data?

11 ... There were 3,410 suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 cases in the Pfizer trials... 1,594 in the vaccine group & 1,816 in the placebo group.
12 ... Long-term safety
13 ... Trials vs vaccinated people
14 ... VAERS underreports adverse events.

5. Data:

15 ... Does the Johnson & Johnson vaccine utilize fetal cells from abortions?
16 ... Do COVID-19 vaccines prevent infection and transmission?
17 ... Do COVID-19 vaccines protect against variant strains?
18 ... Why did they recommend masks, social distancing, etc. post-vaccination?
19 ... Does vaccination increase asymptomatic infection, Bell's palsy, blood clots, cytokine storms and variants?

6. Risk:

20 ... Are COVID-19 vaccines riskier than COVID-19?
21 ... How does natural immunity compare to post-vaccination immunity?
This is an example of how misinformation spreads.

I can't judge all of it; having clicked on #21, a topic I am very familiar with and one I've been professionally involved in for decades, I wouldn't call it anything else than a complete vomit, not even intellectual masturbation, just a complete, uneducated, vomit.

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