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2024 255 FSH Thru-Hull Fitting identification help


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Happy Holidays to everyone
I keep my boat in dry storage at my marina. Following a retrieve, I noticed that the white fitting in the picture below was slightly damaged. Can someone help me identify the fitting in the picture below? I apologize for not have the best picture, but hopefully someone knows just what this does. There are similar fittings on both the port and starboard - The damage occurred on the starboard side. It could be draw for the live well based upon the location, but that is only a guess.
Given that it is below the water line, I would like to replace it. Figuring out its true identity would be a great first step. I have checked a number of parts diagrams online but haven't been able to make a positive match.
I appreciate any help.

Hard to tell from that photo, but it's almost certainly an intake. Trace it inside the boat to its destination and then look it up.
More than likely that is your pick up for the live well or the raw water wash down, since you mentioned there is one on the port and the starboard. There will be a sea cock (valve) inside the engine bay on each side, you should be able to trace them out from there.

How was the fitting damaged? They appear kind of funky in their normal state.

My boat just has one on the starboard side and is nylon, wish it was bronze or stainless steel, it rides on the bunk of the trailer. @Floridaman put some different stuff on his bunks that raised the boat off of the bunk itself and he left a cut out for that thru hull. If you are going to replace that or those fittings, consider a high speed pick up so they can be used at speed…

P.S. update your signature indicate your correct boat. That is quite the upgrade from a 210 to the 255 H model!
Hard to tell from that photo, but it's almost certainly an intake. Trace it inside the boat to its destination and then look it up.
Thanks for checking it out - I'm going to take a better picture next time I am at the boat. The area isn't easy to trace on the 255 due to the amount of items taking up the space in that area but certainly not impossible.
I'm not a fan of the plastic fitting below the waterline. I was hoping someone else already replaced it with SS
& might recognize it. It would save me some weekend time on the wash rack of the marina.
More than likely that is your pick up for the live well or the raw water wash down, since you mentioned there is one on the port and the starboard. There will be a sea cock (valve) inside the engine bay on each side, you should be able to trace them out from there.

How was the fitting damaged? They appear kind of funky in their normal state.

My boat just has one on the starboard side and is nylon, wish it was bronze or stainless steel, it rides on the bunk of the trailer. @Floridaman put some different stuff on his bunks that raised the boat off of the bunk itself and he left a cut out for that thru hull. If you are going to replace that or those fittings, consider a high speed pick up so they can be used at speed…

P.S. update your signature indicate your correct boat. That is quite the upgrade from a 210 to the 255 H model!
We have it on a cradle at the marina. Last retrieve, the boat went on the fork lift a little funny and jarred a bit when it settled. I checked out the bottom and saw half of the fitting flange bent up about 45 degrees. I pushed it flat and lathered it up with 5200.
Its in a building, on the top row so I try to do as much diagnosis I can at home before doing any updates or repairs.
Thanks for the heads up on the signature - I updated it a minute ago. We had a 2021 210 FSH ... Loved it and upgraded to the 255.
We have it on a cradle at the marina. Last retrieve, the boat went on the fork lift a little funny and jarred a bit when it settled. I checked out the bottom and saw half of the fitting flange bent up about 45 degrees. I pushed it flat and lathered it up with 5200.
Its in a building, on the top row so I try to do as much diagnosis I can at home before doing any updates or repairs.
Thanks for the heads up on the signature - I updated it a minute ago. We had a 2021 210 FSH ... Loved it and upgraded to the 255.
Hope the fix is quick !!
Did you have a word with the marina yet? A lot of boats have pick ups on the bottom.
Hard to tell if the thru hull listed, part #6, is above or below the waterline, but here is what I found. 2024 Yamaha 255FSH SPORT H (KPT1800BA) Live Well & Piping My guess is above from the diagram. The price seems too cheap for below the waterline.

Or this one, part #7. There are a couple of other thru hulls listed here too.
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That is the aft live well and raw water wash down inlet.
the forward live well inlet is on the port side.
Thank you all for the information - The illustrations leave a lot to be desired, but @TeenGee looks to have confirmed my guess.
I appreciate the help - I hope you all have a great New Year (on the water and off!)