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Beaufort, NC September 25-27


Jetboaters Commander
Reaction score
Cary, NC
Boat Make
Boat Model
242 Limited S E-Series
Boat Length
Starting a new thread for this discussion. @bronze_10 threw out Sept 25-27 and it works for me so right now, we are targeting that weekend to hang in Beaufort. Part of this will be a run up Adams Creek and The Neuse River to New Bern and back. Cape Lookout, Sand Dollar Island and all that stuff too. Open to anything at this point.

We are looking at hotel and AirBNB options. Seems like plenty of availability out there. Trailer parking might be the biggest issue. Wet slips at Beaufort Docks are $2 a foot and should have plenty of availability in late September.

Anyone else available, even if it's just for a day and not the entire weekend?
I'm boatless for now. Planning to buy a new one in the spring.
I just booked an AirBNB in Beaufort. It's a 3BR condo above Black Sheep Restaurant and I'm checking in Thursday Sept 24.

There's parking across the street from the Curtis Perry Dock. It's $10 a day, paid cash to the guy who runs it. It's a little over 2 miles from the docks downtown.
This sounds like fun. Definite maybe.
Never been there, just saw pictures and looks fun, now is the time. Maybe so far.
I am working that Saturday so unfortunately i am out
I just booked an AirBNB in Beaufort. It's a 3BR condo above Black Sheep Restaurant and I'm checking in Thursday Sept 24.

There's parking across the street from the Curtis Perry Dock. It's $10 a day, paid cash to the guy who runs it. It's a little over 2 miles from the docks downtown.
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Ok, thanks for getting this started, will be watching, have to see if we can manage another trip.
Sounds like a lot of fun!! I keep my boat at the Beaufort Boathouse and have a place in Atlantic Beach so I know the area very well and go to the lighthouse most weekends. I'm in and please anyone interested or has questions, let me know and happy to help organize since I'm local to the area.

Also, how do I turn on notifications so I stay up to date on this forum post?

Sounds like a lot of fun!! I keep my boat at the Beaufort Boathouse and have a place in Atlantic Beach so I know the area very well and go to the lighthouse most weekends. I'm in and please anyone interested or has questions, let me know and happy to help organize since I'm local to the area.

Also, how do I turn on notifications so I stay up to date on this forum post?

Welcome to the forum! I get emails every time a new post is made in a thread where I've posted. As bronze said, you should get them now.

Still have plenty of time to plan the weekend. Will be nice to make more locals around to steer clear of shallow areas. I'll be getting there that Thursday night so I'll be looking to make plans all day Friday and Saturday. Hopefully the weather will cooperate!
I’d love to take part in this. I could trailer my boat up for the day. Would love to see sand dollar island and the light houses.
For the locals out there, assuming all day Saturday for boating, any other cool areas we should plan to see? Cape Lookout and Sand Dollar island are great and those are the only 2 places I've been too out there.
Bumping this..... anyone else going to try and make it out there? Thinking Friday afternoon run up Adams Creek and Saturday at Cape Lookout.
I'll be down that way, but sans boat. My parents live in Jacksonville and I'll be there helping them, hopefully, get rid of their old boat and clean out their garage. Dad is having surgery on Monday, so taking the opportunity to go there and clean up.
Hope all went well Suke!

Weather next weekend looks like we might be in for a good time!