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There are several active studies trying to treat the virus with existing drugs. If I had the virus I would want to participate in one of those studies. Not expecting benefit but to contribute to the process of learning what treatments might work. Without having a test result there would be no opportunity to participate in such a study.

In situations were there is no "alternate" treatment options and the patient is already in a bad state and needs cares to stay alive, and no special info is gained by confirming if the issue is Codiv-19 or something else...That's where I'm suggesting everyone benefits from using that test to try to catch a sick person that doesn't show it.

If diagnosis adds a benefit to the patient or treatment, certainly that is priority. So far everything I read is that symptoms are being targeted but there isn't a special "treatment" only if you have covid-19.

Thank you for addressing my comment, as someone not in the know, or in the field, I appreciate the info and feedback!

The best offense is to act like you have it even if you don't and use social distancing and of course rigorous hygiene.

Not aimed at @haknslash but a question for everyone.

Not to be obtuse......and admittedly I've been drinking this evening (wtf else is there to do when stuck at home for weeks)......but aren't the above quoted recommendations just common courtesy and generally good practice?
Not aimed at @haknslash but a question for everyone.

Not to be obtuse......and admittedly I've been drinking this evening (wtf else is there to do when stuck at home for weeks)......but aren't the above quoted recommendations just common courtesy and generally good practice?
In reality these are things we should be doing EVERY flu season. In fact, the whole country of Sweden has used this as their guidelines during this time. No shutting down schools, restaurants, etc. just good old common sense. Has it made a difference? Time will tell, it will be interesting to compare their numbers to neighbors like Norway or Finland. Sweden is more heavily populated, a bit like Canada vs US so there is that to consider.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they do OK if not well, there’s more than one way to skin a cat.
The key is to let the experts call the shots, and for the leaders to be leaders and know when to stay out of the way.
Last I checked their leaders don’t often say things that are bombastic and hold no water.

In reality these are things we should be doing EVERY flu season. In fact, the whole country of Sweden has used this as their guidelines during this time. No shutting down schools, restaurants, etc. just good old common sense. Has it made a difference? Time will tell, it will be interesting to compare their numbers to neighbors like Norway or Finland. Sweden is more heavily populated, a bit like Canada vs US so there is that to consider.
Most of it is common sense but the problem is in the US people don't like to be told what to do, even if it's for their own good. I had to go to Menards to get something for work on Friday and pulled into the parking lot and thought "WTF"??? It was FULL! I didn't want to go in but had to, so while in there, I see a LOT of people just wandering around like it was no big deal, most didn't have a mask, lines at the checkouts were at least 3-4 deep, some standing way to close together some not. It finally clicked, stimulus checks. Their out spending the money they just got. A majority of the people there just looking to get out of the house for something to do which is fine, but damn, don't all pile into stores just because. There's also the reason of people are confused. The Governor want us to "stay at home" but still wants us to go out and be active. Ummm, OK??? So the state shuts down all State parks, cities close parks & walk-paths, and swings are removed from playgrounds. Well this all comes back to people using common sense. Chicago left walk paths open for a while but people were walking in groups, not practicing social distancing, basketball courts were closed due to groups of people playing basketball, not practicing social distancing, boat launches are closed because people still go out to sandbars and beaches with the boat and are not practicing social distancing. It comes down to common sense and I hate to say it but there's not enough of it in the US anymore.

Just my .02
The practice of common sense is something that is severely lacking in our country
Around my area is seams that the locals dont believe something unless it literally slaps them in the face. So because there isnt a lot of cases here they don't think its real. Even though the hospital that my wife works at has 19 on ventilators

Its only a small percentage that is abiding by the safe guidelines here
Last I checked their leaders don’t often say things that are bombastic and hold no water.

Not only that, but my guess is they don't dwell on it like we tend to do here. If they say something agreeable and makes sense, they go ahead and do it. If they say something that doesn't then they dismiss it. We used to do these things, nowadays it seems the majority of the public lives or dies because of what some politician says. We forget that 95% of what happens to us in our lives is because of our own actions, not what an elected official says.

I had to go to Menards to get something for work on Friday and pulled into the parking lot and thought "WTF"??? It was FULL!

The Menards in Rockford is like that EVERY DAY, and has been for the past month. I've been crossing some projects off the list, every time I go it's packed. Admittedly, I am one of the non-mask wearers. I keep my distance, but that's been the case my whole life as I detest most people and don't trust them to NOT be a petri dish. I don't touch my face until I get home and wash my hands. Again, all things we should be doing on the regular.
We used to do these things, nowadays it seems the majority of the public lives or dies because of what some politician says. We forget that 95% of what happens to us in our lives is because of our own actions, not what an elected official says.
Lately seems like the news is just as bad as the politicians. During the time this all first started you would hear of all of the sick & deaths overseas and ratings scare tactics of the news were in full force how it was starting in the US but rarely if ever heard what the symptoms were. To the point it's hard to even watch the news anymore. (pic borrowed from MEMES)
The local Lowes is packed more now than before the stay at home order. I am glad I got 90% of my project supplies before this got bad and did it just before the store was closing for the night.
Lowes and most big box home improvement stores must be doing very well lately
@Babin Farms I think we will find this to be very accurate at the end of it all.
The practice of common sense is something that is severely lacking in our country
It's not always easy to practice what you don't already have. :rolleyes:
Lately seems like the news is just as bad as the politicians. During the time this all first started you would hear of all of the sick & deaths overseas and ratings scare tactics of the news were in full force how it was starting in the US but rarely if ever heard what the symptoms were. To the point it's hard to even watch the news anymore.

Hard to listen to the news for sure! In the last 8 days we've gone from 20,000 dead to 40,000 dead in the US.

No easy answers in this for sure.
To me this is just common sense. Do you have a GPS on your boat? Why? Do you know how your GPS works? Guess what happens when it has no data?

even worse when its partial, incorrect, or outdated. i was one of those guys who never updated the old gps maps. got me WAY lost in the middle of nebraska once lol

even worse when its partial, incorrect, or outdated. i was one of those guys who never updated the old gps maps. got me WAY lost in the middle of nebraska once lol

Good point. Nothing is worse than outdated data. Fully agree.
Me thinking out loud...

I believe wisdom and common sense goes a long way. I felt, all my life, I've had/have good common sense. I've tried to live a "practical" life. I've always kept an open mind to things I do not understand and to those things I thought I understood. Wisdom, IMO, sets in latter in life. When these 2 things meet, you truly have a different perspective on life. I really like this stage. Where am I going with all this? I have 2 highly educated boys, of whom I'm super proud of, but don't fully grasp the concept of social distancing and hand washing. They do keep to their own and wash their hands but without a full understanding the implications if you don't. Is this a generation thing/gap/age/intellect/money thing? I keep asking "Why don't they get it?" Is it because they think and feel they're invincible. Do they think this is "Not a big deal"? The school of "hard knocks" is cruel and often punishing. I wouldn't advise taking any classes. But, some lessons are tough to learn and tough to teach. I hope we do not learn the hard way. The price is life changing.

End of thought.
Hard to listen to the news for sure! In the last 8 days we've gone from 20,000 dead to 40,000 dead in the US.

No easy answers in this for sure.
Heard that same fact this morning. It's unfathomable. What's it going to be next week and the week after? I don't really want to know...
Heard that same fact this morning. It's unfathomable. What's it going to be next week and the week after? I don't really want to know...

The 20k recorded deaths are terrible. To put this into perspective there are also about 88k births in the USA over 8 days (4 million per year). Not trying to make light of the deaths but rather help folks qualify these large human statistics in a way that is easier to think about and not all doom/gloom/fear.
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