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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

Posting this one not for the image which is fine and I think has been on here before but for the on line comment that followed...

And then some wag posted:
"Zoo next door was worse, one mangey dog...it was a Shi Tzu... "
I guess this "flatlander" needs a book on identifying trees.

SOOOOOO.......I think that's a telephone pole. What's the significance of the galvanized bucket things? Syrup traps?

Yup, tamarack or SY pine, definitely not a maple. Lol Galv. Sap buckets are old school, not allowed now for commercial use. Lead potential. Food grade plastic or S.S. now. They make good roadside flower pot holders which these most likely are. Tourists dig it.

Edit: Syrup is a product of boiling sap.
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