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I leave the lake to all the rookies this weekend and enjoy an early fall morning with some football!
I leave the lake to all the rookies this weekend and enjoy an early fall morning with some football!
View attachment 104122
I'm going to yell at you for using the term "early fall morning"... it's a 93° summer day in northern Utah. Fall begins September 23rd. Please don't end summer yet... lol!
I'm going to yell at you for using the term "early fall morning"... it's a 93° summer day in northern Utah. Fall begins September 23rd. Please don't end summer yet... lol!
I wish! I don’t ever remember blowing leaves off the deck this early. Ever. Enjoy the surf today @J-RAD
I'm going to yell at you for using the term "early fall morning"... it's a 93° summer day in northern Utah. Fall begins September 23rd. Please don't end summer yet... lol!

I’m with J-RAD, Labor Day is when our local boating season starts... it’s the “ Last hurrah” for the tourist and now things begin to quiet down and we get a little more peace and quiet on the lake. .. I’ll be uploading picks clear into November lol..

We decided to shoot down to Port Aransas last minute. Got a house juts outside of town down the strip some. Walk out to the beach last night and was blown away. It's like a scene from Mad Max or something. Pretty wild ass. Cars lined up along the beach, RV's, make shift beach cabanas, and then throw in all the 4, 6, and 8 seater golf carts with stereos and crap on them that are zooming up and down the beach. It's pretty crazy. I almost felt like I was at Burning Man!
Just saw this on the water, no wake zone so no performance moves but it was a short board, no exhaust or sound so I think It was powered by electricity. The entire board was out of the water so i assume the jet pump was mounted to the hydrofoil.
Sorry for the crappy pic but I was dealing with the usual poor low speed steering response that plagues most water jet propelled boats. E37768E5-FCD3-4106-B2C0-15D4D50DD96F.jpeg
Just saw this on the water, no wake zone so no performance moves but it was a short board, no exhaust or sound so I think It was powered by electricity. The entire board was out of the water so i assume the jet pump was mounted to the hydrofoil.
Sorry for the crappy pic but I was dealing with the usual poor low speed steering response that plagues most water jet propelled boats. View attachment 104255

They are called Efoils. Been seeing alot of them lately.
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@Rana drawing a sunset at Bull Shoals Lake, AR.
She said it was not quite finished yet. But did let me take a sneak peek. I don't know... I think she's using her creative license quite a bit. Maybe?


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@swatski She said it was not quite finished yet. But did let me take a sneak peek. I don't know... I think she's using her creative license quite a bit. Maybe?

Obviously you do not watch classic scifi movies. If you did you would know that all types of monsters and fish live in the lakes that come out at sunset. so beware it just might not be a figment of her imagination. Just saying ?[flag]
Customized sun shades for our tow vehicle, a gift from my wife.

Edit: I just discovered that the image shows brought on both sides, so I can flip it to point my boat in the other direction.
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Two more pics this time with the shades in use/installed. My wife chose a recent pic of our daughter (I.e., our dog smiling on the beach). The shades only come in one size but seem to fit in our expedition fine.ABE56E62-4B8D-4130-AB7E-BDB41ED028AC.jpeg00B67A15-6148-448A-9FE9-09186F552142.jpeg