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This article sheds a little light on your questions:

And that call took place two days ago ??? the article or other's I quickly googled showed any date of the actual call,

How generous of them to share 20,000 kits for only 1.25 million,

anyways, I'm asking about back in the early days of the spread, before it got here but everybody saw it coming;

S. Korea has had a test and nobody from the CDC/FDA/NIH or any other University research picked up the phone to ask about how to duplicate it ??

or were our federal guidelines to strict to allow a new test without going through the approval process ??

And that call took place two days ago ??? the article or other's I quickly googled showed any date of the actual call,

How generous of them to share 20,000 kits for only 1.25 million,

anyways, I'm asking about back in the early days of the spread, before it got here but everybody saw it coming;

S. Korea has had a test and nobody from the CDC/FDA/NIH or any other University research picked up the phone to ask about how to duplicate it ??

or were our federal guidelines to strict to allow a new test without going through the approval process ??

I didn't say it answered all your questions, and I most definitely am not saying we are/were proactive. Heck, we didn't even want to use the German tests when we had none. So yes, calling 2 days does seem a little late! S. Korea was clearly on the ball when it came to realizing the shit was on its way from China!
NIce work! But just remember your heart has only so many beats, dont waste them on exercise! jk

haha never heard that one.
And that call took place two days ago ??? the article or other's I quickly googled showed any date of the actual call,

How generous of them to share 20,000 kits for only 1.25 million,

anyways, I'm asking about back in the early days of the spread, before it got here but everybody saw it coming;

S. Korea has had a test and nobody from the CDC/FDA/NIH or any other University research picked up the phone to ask about how to duplicate it ??

or were our federal guidelines to strict to allow a new test without going through the approval process ??

Two weeks ago T declared we have the virus “shut down” here, “relax”.

Now, the only hope is there will be lessons drawn from this mess, our military knows how to handle this, they literally stopped the spread in South Korean bases - protecting all but only a handful of service from becoming infected.

We will live through that, presumably. But just imagine if next time it’s something like Ebola where mortality rate is not .1% but 40%. What then?

Ok I just got my essential worker ID form.

I swear this just seems so bizarre.

Are we doing the right thing? Is this for real? It seems the media is really pushing this pandemic beyond the stratosphere but again, the numbers just
Alabama schools officially got closed today for the rest of the year. Alternative learning to start on April 6th through the end of the year.

Alabama schools closed for the rest of year, instruction goes online

My 11yo is going to blow a gasket celebrating.

Yea my daughter is pretty bummed. She's only in the 4th grade but she was doing so good this year making A's and B's and just last report card came home with all A's and couldn't be prouder. Of course we couldn't get her anything being in quarantine but still we are so proud of her. I know a lot of teachers are probably just as bummed as some of the students but it's probably for the best for now. She will do online school for the remainder of the school year so at least she won't be as bored as she is now lol.
This is a long but good video by Dr. Saag here of the local UAB school of medicine. He was diagnosed with the virus and has made a recovery to talk about it from his medical perspective.

Just wait until she realizes that mom and dad are the teacher. My kids are already BEGGING to go back to school.

We used to homeschool, and she's been wanting us to do that again. So that probably won't work.
Ok I just got my essential worker ID form.

what is that? My county has a shelter in place order in right now and have seen several Facebook post from local police departments about how there is no official form to prove your job is essential. Also, went for a jog today and noticed plenty people out and about. People at Home Depot buying mulch, people driving around to pick up food at restaurants, etc. They aren’t policing it here. There’s no way to. The only way to enforce this is if the state declares some type of lockdown and the national guard enforces it. Even then, what’s the point if the state next door is open for business? Seems to me it needs to be all or nothing.
@haknslash to add to that I live in the 3rd most populated county in the state with 750k people. Hard to control and monitor that many people at the county level.
It is not a government form or ID. Basically created by my work I believe to give to police officers in case we are stopped since I have to travel through shelter in place counties. My guess is it was written up simply to inform officers if you’re pulled over. It lists my companies name, my name to be filled out, job title, etc and mentions when we were added to the essential manufacturers list with Homeland Security and the other government depts.
what is that? My county has a shelter in place order in right now and have seen several Facebook post from local police departments about how there is no official form to prove your job is essential. Also, went for a jog today and noticed plenty people out and about. People at Home Depot buying mulch, people driving around to pick up food at restaurants, etc. They aren’t policing it here. There’s no way to. The only way to enforce this is if the state declares some type of lockdown and the national guard enforces it. Even then, what’s the point if the state next door is open for business? Seems to me it needs to be all or nothing.

Same as @haknslash I got a letter from my company's general counsel, laying out what my company does per guidance from state and local officials as an "essential" job. Even though I haven't left the house for the past week-ish, I have to head out tomorrow, and I will be carrying the letter and my phone describing the work I have to perform as well as the area I'm going to. My vacation place happens to be smack in the middle of the two locations I have work responsibilities at, and knowing this, I was asked to utilize my personal lodging to avoid spending by my location at this time. Because of this, I am using the requirement of having to work in order to pick up my boat.

I was told I have until April 14th to pick up the boat before storage fees would start to accumulate. I KNOW I could start a PR nightmare for the company storing my boat, but why? They're also designated an "essential job" under our Governor's executive order, under some transportation exclusion, and are currently able to employ people, and I am able to pick my boat up, halfway to my destination, and continue onward to my destination, where my boat will be stored from this point forward. So I WILL be one of those people who are "out and about". I don't have to come into contact with anyone when picking the boat up, they're going to have it ready and have told me where it will be waiting for me, and to call them when I am hooked up and ready to leave. I'm still able to take care of some personal business while out for actual work, and will have such limited contact as to not cause me concern in any way.

I'm on a voluntary layoff so that others who need the money more than I do are able to work. This happens to be something I don't HAVE to do, but if I don't, MORE people will be in contact with others in the form of hotel workers and food establishment workers having to have contact with another employee who doesn't have the capability that I have to address issues for my employer while limiting contact as much as possible. I get the feeling that when I venture outside, I'm gonna have people giving me the side eye without knowing a damned thing about why I'm out, and pretending that they know I shouldn't be outside my house - then turning around and bitching because the store they will have to go to for food isn't able to function without my services...

Not looking forward to this trip, and I never thought that would happen when it came to something with my boat when it wasn't related to repair/service.
Patriot, your post says a lot about your own biases. I'm sure you'll disagree with this graphic, but with the exception of where CNN is placed (I'd put it closer to MSNBC), I thinks it's spot on. I hope you spend as much time verifying your information as you do attacking others... (for the record, I do agree that swatski's "disturbing news" post was irresponsible without context provided).

Looks like this post didn't age too well at all. Could you please see that NPR is moved down and to the left on your chart below? For a 50% government funded news outlet they sure seem to be politically selective in the news they report. Many would ask why they receive any public funding in the first place.

In full disclosure dailycaller.com definitly leans right but the news on NPR Seattle's decision is easy to find.

My brother has been enjoying empty trains here in NYC. He just reported that the Long Island Railroad has reduced service and now the trains are crowded again. I swear they (the wealthier people) will start making decisions that help their wallet at the expense of our health.

Edit: my brother pays $370 for his monthly pass.
Why the hell did we name this thing COVID-19. We're all dealing with this crap in 2020, can we not just change the name to COVID-20??? I can see it now when I'm 80 years old and trying to tell this story to my grandkids and I'm confused as hell if this happened in 2019 or 2020 cause the freakin name!
My brother has been enjoying empty trains here in NYC. He just reported that the Long Island Railroad has reduced service and now the trains are crowded again. I swear they (the wealthier people) will start making decisions that help their wallet at the expense of our health.

Edit: my brother pays $370 for his monthly pass.
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