I don’t think anyone is saying doing nothing would be good. I’m just saying the local gov't overreach and arresting people is a bit much and NOT what this country was founded on. LEO's and state officials are sworn in and take an oath to uphold the Constitution. In my state, in short it says
this. Nowhere does it have *exceptions to the rule* because of virus. That's my second biggest problem with this whole ordeal is the state and local governments abusing their powers. The biggest problem I have is nobody likes to talk all about the elephant in the room. Those that have been directly affected the most in the entire country and that is the
MILLIONS of people who have lost their jobs. The many small businesses that will likely not survive this shutdown, stimulus package or not. Those impacts have a HUGE trickle down effect on those affected not to mention you and I in our local communities. Many may become homeless, lose their families, many may die from starvation, suicide, deep depression, turn to drugs and alcohol to cope and a slew of other issues when faced with such adversity and stress. Potentially far more damage will come from job loss and business loss than this virus will cause. Look you can still “social distance” and do your personal hygiene without state official overreach or nanny state hand holding. That’s what we were all doing before these shutdowns was it not? The numbers for this virus are WAY DOWN from initial doom and gloom analysts and so-called experts’ numbers. In my state we were supposed to lose over 5,000 people and that was a “best case scenario if we did everything right”. That number has since then been a laughable moving target that it went down to 2.500, then 1.500, then 500 and now currently they say somewhere around 430 people projected to die from the virus. Want to know how many died on average each year from the flu in my state? 1,200 people. I don’t follow each state but I would love to know what y’alls numbers initially were projected to be compared to what it actually is today. Hell at one time they said my state was going to be the 4th highest death toll state in the country based of per capita. Completely not the case at all today. That could change I guess but we seem to be plateauing here.
I don't know about your own states but the way they portrayed it here was INCLUDING social distancing, shutting down schools, locked in homes "self isolating" etc. So it's not like the numbers all the sudden we corrected because people were "doing their part". That was
always factored into the numbers here. Maybe not in your area. So why the massive disparity in numbers? Is it possible the analyst and so-called experts got it wrong? Well I can't answer that for them but based off articles I've read from Stanford University professors (I hope that is a good enough source for some of you but I doubt it lol) they seem to think we may have overreacted to unknowns a bit much. That's not a bad thing I guess as hindsight is 20/20 but when it's being driven HARD by MSM with little to no glimmer of hope it tends to cause people to overreact and panic when maybe, just maybe, it wasn't required for the ENTIRE country to shutdown. Maybe protect those that are most vulnerable rather than include everyone in this mess. Maybe test weekly instead of those only with symptoms? I don't have the answers. I just know that I know more people that are personally affected by layoff's and business shutdowns than by the virus itself. Might be different in your area but unless you live in a massively populated city, it's likely the same story for your neck of the woods. If hospitals across the country were as "overrun" as the media would love for you to believe then the numbers in my state would be inline with their initial projections. But they aren't and apparently its not that way across most of the country either since our country as a whole is rural more than densely populated. Surely y'all have seen the stupid tiktok videos of nurses and doctors dancing in the hospitals? How is that possible if this was truly "a war" across this entire nation? Even if it were that dire then wtf?! and how would it be considered acceptable to do when time is of the essence in a pandemic? That's about as tone deaf as you could get, I'm sorry. It simply is not that dire across the country months into this thing and the numbers show that. Sure it's bad in overpopulated cities, which ironically were already overun from allowing sanctuary to thousands of illegals (nobody talks about that metric either). Nobody is disputing that it would be bad there, but the MSM narrative this is going on everywhere simply doesn't add up. I'm sorry it just doesn't. Better yet when has the MSM ever been right in your lifetime? Why trust these overpaid fools now as if they suddenly grew a moral conscience and cared about this country to report unbiased information?
I wished some of you would look at things more objectively instead of trying to smear anyone who dares question things as some sort of political conspiracy theorist. Nobody is saying the virus isn’t real. We all know it is. But what we also know is there is no sense in living if we just let the country continue to be shutoff. People are going to need to still do their part in social distancing, hygiene or whatever but at the same time get back to work. Whether that means your employer comes up with better safety protocols and measure then that’s up to them but we will be doomed way worse by living like hermits locked in our houses because employers will not be able to continue providing jobs for people if this goes on for more months. Your and my jobs will eventually be gone if we continue to be shutdown. You can bet on that. Those are the real consequences you can see unfolding in real-time today unlike whatever this virus plans to do which BTW nobody knows the answer to. So yes, let's live inside our homes and pretend our employers have infinite funds and resources and will pay everyone their salaries for infinity or hell even for 6 more months of this. Maybe y'all got some high paying jobs and have no fear but the rest of the country doesn't and that is far more scarier than the virus itself and is far more likely to have irreversible affects on our economy. It takes most people a lifetime to build a business to be successful. They don't just grow on trees and neither does money, bills, car notes, mortgages, etc. The uncertainty of our economy and the police state government officials is more scarier to me than this virus at this point...based off the numbers being reported of course. So yes,
that is what I live for as someone questioned earlier. That is why we are starting to see people protest. They see their rights being stripped from them and overrun by fear mongering and bad or incomplete data. They see their jobs are gone for the unforeseeable future and that scares them, as it should.
As for these state governors and offices overreaching yes it is for sure happening. Even in states that have nowhere near the numbers as overpopulated areas like NYC does. Please tell me how a powerboat is any more likely to get you sick than a sail boat or canoe. Please explain how it makes sense to shutdown vast, large open green spaces in parks but allow people to congregate to small narrow walking paths if social distance is important. Please explain to me why there are curfews. Does the virus become more deadly at night? Is it nocturnal? No. Please tell me where to find the clause where it says you can’t peacefully assemble and protest if there is a virus going around. Please explain why the hell we are letting prisoners out while at the same time denying gun shops as essential in some states just makes zero sense at all. Honestly who gives a shit if a prisoner dies in prison? I certainly don’t because they weren’t productive members of society in the first place. I’d rather care more about law-abiding citizens than prisoners safety but call me crazy I guess. none of that I just mentioned makes a damn bit of logical sense yet that IS what is going on around the entire country. It's government knee-jerk reaction at its finest hour (read saddest). Like I said it’s a slippery slope we are on now and if you folks think state officials aren’t widening their eyes on this overreaching approach you’re sadly living in denial and willing to turn a blind eye to the core of what this country was founded upon. As mentioned, we are NOT under Marshall Law yet you wouldn’t know that based on the actions of some of these state officials. So yes, pay attention to your rights being stripped all in the name of uncertainty. It only is going to lay out the ground work for three next thing to come around and that is sad and certainly not something I want to see happen in my lifetime. Your Rights as an American are more valued than living in fear your entire life. I’d rather die fighting at the hands of tyranny than from this virus. YMMV