I would instead like to find where we have found common ground.
Experts claim the machines can be hacked...the challenge is the knowledge and control over the machines that is needed. Further, even IF the machines were hacked, the paper controls in place will show the machines counted accurately. (Or not)
We are so far apart because the article on how the machines are SO vulnerable, they still provide enough security that any suspect activity would be detectable. Don't get on the car because someone might have cut the brake lines...well, we have a light if the brake lines were cut, who tries to cut the brake line anyway? Most are not gravely concerned about this potential problem. Instead they see other problems that can cause accidents that you are not including in the scope (distracted driving, mechanical faults) that you exclude from the scope, (since you opened the thread you pick the topic right?)
Others are not getting great enjoyment of the discussion here, and I don't want to further contribute to what appears to be causing some great division and concern on this board. I enjoy using this board very much, and with the intent of not pooping where I eat, I will stop participating with this message.
I do think it's a shame it's taboo to have thoughtful high level discussion on uncomfortable topics (not just here, but in general discussing politics or religion is seen as bad form, so in the world of safe spaces we are losing platforms for actual interaction between opposing views that might actually lead to growth and opinion changing)
I leave you with my last question, which I asked in my previous reply and you did not answer. I will ask it again:
Loaded question:
Do you agree that for these machines the paper trail can be re-examined to re-create the count based on what humans could read at voting time in their ballot?
(I think the answer is yes, and thus the concern on the security of the machine is pretty much an non-issue in this go around. It's simple: Machine writes the name of the selection in a human readable form and the voter inspected it before depositing the paper in the box. These papers will be counted by a human, thus the machine was turned into a printer of the voters option, and can't possibly change the voter's choice. So, the machine has been turned into a glorified ballot printer that the user examines before depositing on the box, and no security would be needed or required, and any hacking would be pointless and fruitless.)
Have a great evening. I hope you continue your research with an open mind and find what you seek.