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The official "What did you do to your jet boat today" thread.

Before and after. Not perfect but better.
looks good from my house! I can kinda see the faded spot from the old unit, is that what you're referring to? Would it be worth it to silicone around that with a tool to get a nice consistent bead? Might cover some of the discoloration, and those tools are super cheap. For small stuff likek that, I use some tool that has a ball on th end, and the excess is just peeled off afterwards, but you're left with a perfect consistent bead that looks really nice. I'll try to track down alink later.
Yep. Plenty of room. It is annoying leaning over and working on my knees. The hardest part was finding all the hidden bolts for the oil pump, then scraping old gasket off. I was able to use my 1/4” driver to remove the flywheel bolt (it IS reverse thread). My 1/2” impact was too big. Surprisingly the small driver had enough “uumph” to break it free

For future use, @FSH 210 Sport made a platform to help with working over the engines. He may have a link to it in his sginature, but if not, this will tage him and he'll definitely be able to find it for you. Definitely a useful thing to build
looks good from my house! I can kinda see the faded spot from the old unit, is that what you're referring to? Would it be worth it to silicone around that with a tool to get a nice consistent bead? Might cover some of the discoloration, and those tools are super cheap. For small stuff likek that, I use some tool that has a ball on th end, and the excess is just peeled off afterwards, but you're left with a perfect consistent bead that looks really nice. I'll try to track down alink later.
I put on labels over the buttons.
For future use, @FSH 210 Sport made a platform to help with working over the engines. He may have a link to it in his sginature, but if not, this will tage him and he'll definitely be able to find it for you. Definitely a useful thing to build
Ask and you shall receive ! Put your hands on the radio say Hallelujah Brother !

Ask and you shall receive ! Put your hands on the radio say Hallelujah Brother !

That’s freakin genius! Definitely building one of my own!
Took it out for last outing of 2024! Wow 80 degrees in Maryland in November!

Cut a big hole in my boat...

View attachment 207868

It worked out OK, but man was there a lot of fiberglass dust to clean out.

View attachment 207869

Something that may help in the future when cutting holes in fiberglass, get a helper to hold a shop vac hose right next to the bit doing the cutting, this is very helpful at controlling the spoil from the cut. Another thing that helps is to use as fine toothed cutting tool, this keeps serves two purposes, it reduces spalling, produces a smoother edge and the cuttings don’t want to fling as far.
Dremel circle cutter gets it done!:thumbsup:
Got our oil change kits yesterday, since they were on sale, although the boat is still in storage for a few more months. Yesterday we paid off the AR230, 6 years early, which is a good feeling. I assume now is about the time something will go wrong this upcoming season since the bank no longer owns it 🤣