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The new hulls have a lot more foam under the floor, I am very happy to find out. Not wonder those are quieter now.
Here is a space between the fuel compartment and the ski locker, the tunnel's about 10" long - all foam - even that close to the top:


Happy Easter :chicken:

Still not finished with all my winter projects, but I got the boat out today! I wasn't the only Yamaha out at Caesar Creek, either. @REM835 @Matt J @Corey Champlin was that one of you I saw near the bridge?
The maple season has ended in the Champlain Valley of Vermont. Ended up being a good season for me as I ended up collecting 20% over my goal or 120,000 gallons of sap, tree buds breaking open now signals the time to remove taps from trees. This is a tap puller,20170418_083610.jpg I have 4700 to pull before I can call it done, peel off my sugarman apparel20170417_083432.jpg and focus on putting the Yamaha in the water in a few weeks. Wet slipping at a nice marina in Malletts Bay this year, Bay Harbor Marina. No low water level woes there this year. This pic., taken today, of the valley from my house shows Whiteface Mtn., NY. the body of water seen lowest in the pic. is Malletts bay.20170418_111505.jpg
as much as i hate to hear it, i would love to know a price quote to see how much money i saved
...oh god, i hope i saved some money! maybe i don't wanna know.
@CrankyGypsy So my boat is at the glass shop now and is expected to be done by this time next week. He has cut off the top layer and found that my soft area was about 24" by 26". He was surprised to find that the table receiver was through bolted with no way to access the nuts on the back side (I elected to not let him know that to see what would happen). His solution was to cut a hole in the bottom skin so they could fit a hand through to put a wrench on the nuts. His solution for reattaching the receiver is to embed a large piece of aluminum in the repair by glassing it in and once done they will drill and tap it so the bolts will thread into that. He said that when he is done this part of the floor will never leak again and it will be multiple times stronger than it ever was. I like the sound of that because this is the landing spot for everyone that enters the boat.

He did mention that he is taking pictures all along the process so hopefully I will be able to share those with you. I haven't heard a $$$ amount yet - but he keeps saying that it really isn't that big of a project, probably setting me up for sticker shock! The reason it is taking so long is that he had to order in some color matched resin and gel coat.
I like this one better..."go fast mommy"
Got the boat in the slip. 48 this morning. Can't beat it!
