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@Thermobrett How about the cars that are frequently driven on the beaches, Daytona, New Smyrna beach etc. Saw plenty of Fla. tagged cars with rust on top of cars and under them. I know the sun beats on them, but salt spray and driving on the water packed sand, maybe getting stuck will rust them if not washed off after. Just my observations from living there in the 80's. IDK, maybe less salt in the ocean now. Lol. Edit: I know you can't drive on New Smyrna anymore.
Now that you mention it, we do have a friend who has a condo right on the beach in Port Canaveral. When pulling into the parking garage there is a drive through water wash. We went and visited and I asked the northerner question, "what's this for", she said to wash the sand and ocean spray off the car. They we got to her condo and anything that wasn't stainless was rusted from the spray coming through the patio door.

The first couple months after moving from the rust belt (2010), I took our 2008 Camry in for an oil change, the guy put it on the lift and then it came right back down. he asked me if the car was a flood damage car. I said no (not really understanding what he meant) and he said that he's never seen such a new car with so much rust under it. I said "Oh..... You must have never been to Cleveland in the winter" 😝😝😝

I haven't driven on the beach yet, but want to do it just to say I have. My luck, the Yukon would get stuck in the sand.