I got rid of century link and have gone to Star Link for my internet needs. You buy the equipment, $350, and where I’m at its $90 a month for the service. I do not watch regular tv programming, no network TV at all. I do have prime for any movies I want to watch which isn’t too often anymore, or any series I’d want to watch, but haven’t watched any of those either.
You know those challenges that were around for a while? Well, here is my challenge…try disconnecting fro at least a month, read a book, listen to a book, play board games with your family, go for a walk, go for a hike, go to the gym, go fishing, go target shooting, go play in the snow, work on your boat, make vacation plans with your family and friends, get everything ready to go for boating season 2025, set an aggressive number of boating days goal-way more than boating season 2024. There’s some members here who boat almost every weekend..bravo.
Stay away from FB, instagram, Snapchat etc.. no social media, no tv news etc.. this site excepted of course!

If you need weather info its right there on the national weather service site or weather radio. Need traffic info? Loot at your states DOT site.
The “news” deserves special mention here, 99.1% of the content on the news has no direct bearing on your life, AND, you have no control over it, and it is upsetting to say the least, the remaining .9% which includes the weather may or may not have direct bearing on your life, and you have no control over it. So in the words of Joshua, the WOPPR computer in the 1983 movie War Games, “the only way to win is not to play”.
Basically, disconnect from the cyber world and re connect with your humanity and the humanity of others… you will find you have way less stress, and lead a much happier life. Make a plan for the new year to be the best you that is possible, eat better, get plenty of sleep, eschew the things that don’t matter. But for sure spend more days boating.