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What are you watching on TV? Favorite Shows? <name the service used>

Is season 1 on a different steaming service than Paramount +?

Do you have a Roku, Firestick, Nvidia Shield? We may need to have a conference call to set you up, depending on what you've got.
Silo, on Apple TV. Based on a great sci-fi book series by Hugh Howey.
I feel like I’m not smart enough to keep up with Dune Prophecy. Too many weird names to try and remember and complex story lines across multiple Worlds. And I just started episode 2. 😳
Just started Landman on Paramount+ last night. Only one episode in so far but I think I’m hooked already.
The Lioness and Landman.
Territory, Netflix.
Currently watching The Agency on Amazon. Also darn good.
If you’d like to watch a documentary about the origins of sport fishing check this documentary out from Michael Fowlkes. The History of Sportfishing 12-Chapter Documentary Series
I’ve only watched the first chapter, The Bite, it was very well done, the archival footage is darn cool. There’s currently a 30% off to watch the series.

Michael Fowlkes also has three Inside Sport Fishing series that can be found on Prime, and watched for free if you have a prime membership.

Inside Sport Fishing, 6 seasons
Inside Sport Fishing; On The Edge, 3 seasons
Inside Sport Fishing; Below The Border, 3 seasons