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Gas prices just shot up again today in my hometown setting another brand new record - $5.28
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It's been too many years, as I didn't get the pen/cassette tape relationship at first!

I added my first under-dash tape deck in 1977 to my new-to-me 1971 Pontiac LeMans. Had two heads, so I never needed to rewind the tape. Such a pleasure to listed to compared to an 8-track player cutting songs in half!

It's been too many years, as I didn't get the pen/cassette tape relationship at first!

I added my first under-dash tape deck in 1977 to my new-to-me 1971 Pontiac LeMans. Had two heads, so I never needed to rewind the tape. Such a pleasure to listed to compared to an 8-track player cutting songs in half!


Then Tom Petty recognized the real life struggle...“Hello, CD listeners. We’ve come to the point in this album where those listening on cassette or record will have to stand up – or sit down – and turn over the record – or tape. In fairness to those listeners, we’ll now take a few seconds before we begin side two. Thank you. Here is side two.”