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    free hit counter

Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

This ^ right here! I used to laugh when in meetings and someone’s email/text alert would go off and everyone would check their phones because no one had assigned their phones alert tone’s to one they’d set and just kept the default tone…
Multi Quote is not working on my stone tablet, so I will do it another way…

I would not say…

I need to wash out her live well, smells fishy.

I need to touch up her bottom, she rubbed it off grinding on the sandy beach.

She is like a (cat)amaran, she won’t heel.

I put her on the hard to check out her scupper. Then she will get wet again.
Last edited:
Quote is not working on my stone tablet, so I will do it another way…
View attachment 230860

I would not say…

I need to wash out her live well, smells fishy.

I need to touch up her bottom, she rubbed it off grinding on the sandy beach.

She is like a (cat)amaran, she won’t heel.

I put her on the hard to check out her scupper. Then she will get wet again.
Flush her out thoroughly after each use

12 person max capacity
Quote is not working on my stone tablet, so I will do it another way…
View attachment 230860

I would not say…

I need to wash out her live well, smells fishy.

I need to touch up her bottom, she rubbed it off grinding on the sandy beach.

She is like a (cat)amaran, she won’t heel.

I put her on the hard to check out her scupper. Then she will get wet again.
I have got my eyes on a new one.

I don't think I can afford her anymore.

Tired of my friends coming over on the weekends to ride her but not chipping in.