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show off your guns here(fire arms)

Finally got around to put a "tinny" rail on Kate's model 617 S&W, this thing is so much fun to shoot; except for the factory sights.

Where did y'all find good source for ammo ? Reasonably priced and shipping ? 9mm and .223
Got it pretty much where I want it - added Magpul MBUS front/rear sights, QD’s for my Blue Force Gear Vickers sling, and an Inforce WMLx light.

Got a couple Magpul window mags and a decent deal on 200 rounds of Winchester 5.56 62 gram steel rod ammo so I’m OK from a home defense standpoint. Now just trying to find 55 gram FMJ 5.56/.223 ammo for the range - I only have 60 rounds of that.

Where did y'all find good source for ammo ? Reasonably priced and shipping ? 9mm and .223

I go to ammoseek.com every morning. Sometimes you will run into a deal or 2 but these days "in stock" is about as lucky as you get.

Prices will come down if we stop hoarding it.

The situation is similar to 2009 when the same people were lined up at Walmart to buy every 22 round when the truck delivered. They acquired tens if not hundreds of thousands of rounds each making it difficult for kids to find ammo to target practice. This needless excess continued for years and created an extended period of high prices.

Just months ago ammo was down to pre 2008 prices.
It is always this way around elections... wait 3-4 mos. and it will start to drop.
Prices will come down if we stop hoarding it.

The situation is similar to 2009 when the same people were lined up at Walmart to buy every 22 round when the truck delivered. They acquired tens if not hundreds of thousands of rounds each making it difficult for kids to find ammo to target practice. This needless excess continued for years and created an extended period of high prices.

Just months ago ammo was down to pre 2008 prices.

I recently read an article that said in 2020 there were 7 million first time gun owners in the US in 2020. I did a quick google search and could only find an article in late august stating 4 million since Jan 1.

if every new gun owner bought 100 rounds (which is not enough to get familiar with your gun let alone create a stockpile) that's 4 hundred million rounds needed, now add in people who bought 2nd or 3rd guns of a different caliber than their first and really multiplies.

Are there hoarders and flippers trying to make quick money, sure but I think it's a manufacturing issue to supply new owners just as much as a hoarding issue.

In my little corner of DFW we've had four new indoor gun ranges open in the last year and they all seem to have a steady flow of business.

Prices will come down if we stop hoarding it.

The situation is similar to 2009 when the same people were lined up at Walmart to buy every 22 round when the truck delivered. They acquired tens if not hundreds of thousands of rounds each making it difficult for kids to find ammo to target practice. This needless excess continued for years and created an extended period of high prices.

Just months ago ammo was down to pre 2008 prices.

You're right, just a few months back I was buying 22LR for my son at 4 cents a round now you're lucky to find it at 11 cents....its crazy right now.
if every new gun owner bought 100 rounds (which is not enough to get familiar with your gun let alone create a stockpile) that's 4 hundred million rounds needed, now add in people who bought 2nd or 3rd guns of a different caliber than their first and really multiplies.

Annual production in the US is over 8B rounds so that 400M would account for ~5%.

I wonder how much we actually shoot? I was shooting ~200 rounds a week at one point. That would have been ~10,000 rounds per year. Half of that would have been 22 and the rest larger calibers.

You're right, just a few months back I was buying 22LR for my son at 4 cents a round now you're lucky to find it at 11 cents....its crazy right now.
Lots of dry firing going on around my house?
Santa brought me this for xmas. Thankfully I was ahead of the consumables glut that has made stuff impossible to find.

View attachment 139425

A fellow reloader. MyDillons have been purring lately. And just like you, I stocked up on components over the last few years so I’m set for a long time
When was the last time you could find this for that price...If you can even find it now.


Sitting on a few bricks.
Just saw this. Is it old news?

Nope, hot off the press,

We've been watching it closely on another board for our shotgun shells,

We've got a member who is retired from Remington but knew lots of people and inside info,

They've had the plant open for a month or two but SLOWLY ramping back up until this message (and no, they don't pack all the boxes by hand, the lady hand packing is at the "over run" area)

The inside scoop is if your an 870/1100/700 fan, not feeling optimistic at the moment about their return,

i had read something about this over on TTAG a while back, but at that point it was all talk and promises, which hold about as much weight with me as a politician's promise. Good to hear any news on an increase in production. It's funny, I can walk into any place around me, and it was empty shelves for anything other than low-need. Stopped in at 2 different Fleet Farm's yesterday, and so many calibers now were simply non-existent. I had talked with the neighbor last fall about splitting the cost of a reloading setup for something more than one-at-a-time like he's got, and he wanted to hold off for a bit. Over the weekend, he said he wished we'd have done it, and bought into a ton of primers. Everything else, while far more scarce than before, can be gotten around us. I've read the stories about why there's such a shortage, and it makes sense. Now tack on the increase in material and shipping costs...
i had read something about this over on TTAG a while back, but at that point it was all talk and promises, which hold about as much weight with me as a politician's promise. Good to hear any news on an increase in production. It's funny, I can walk into any place around me, and it was empty shelves for anything other than low-need. Stopped in at 2 different Fleet Farm's yesterday, and so many calibers now were simply non-existent. I had talked with the neighbor last fall about splitting the cost of a reloading setup for something more than one-at-a-time like he's got, and he wanted to hold off for a bit. Over the weekend, he said he wished we'd have done it, and bought into a ton of primers. Everything else, while far more scarce than before, can be gotten around us. I've read the stories about why there's such a shortage, and it makes sense. Now tack on the increase in material and shipping costs...

Our Fleet Farm gets their resupply on Friday morning. I stocked up pre-Obama, and saw Covid coming in January, and stock up for those two months. Forget about it now, it'll never come back, which sucks because training is a B if you don't want to burn your rounds.

Primers, geeze I have looked those up on gunbroker the other day and thought for a second "man, I could make BANK off of what I bought these for in 2010... but then again... there's no more left." I can't believe what this stuff is going for.

Now if you need shotgun shells, they're still pretty much everywhere so... :D
reddit.com/r/instockammo is a good one to keep an eye on. I pair that with the alerts for reddit app on iOS and it notifies me when a new deal is posted in a caliber i'm searching for. Most threads include caliber and price per round in the title, so just glance at my watch and decide if its worth pursuing.

I'd hardly consider myself a hoarder, but now have around 2-3K of everything I shoot regularly (.9, .22, and .223), plus a couple hundred 12ga. Pretty low on 45 ACP at the moment. This is basically enough stock for recreational shooting for a year or so, while keeping SHTF quantities in reserve. Now I can be patient and wait for deals to replenish range ammo.