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I am looking forward to the day when I sell my place and leave behind the machine that moves the "beautiful white sand".

Oh man. I am so tired of pushing and piling that crap around. I get seriously bummed when I see the leaves changing. F-ck the foliage!
Beautiful morning for a lazy sail, based on conditions at the boat as viewed from home. But we are in the peak time of our "pick your own" Blueberry season and we open at 10am. Will have to wait. :banghead:



Winds do look good for a Sunset cruise tonight.

Working in the U-pick blueberry field today weighing customers pickings. I'd say we are at the peak of the season.

The haul picked by one woman.


No boating for us today.
Wow!! Time to close up early and go boating!

No can do. Open til 5pm and we need to see a couple hundred #'s more picked, on top of that, before we can call it a good Saturday. Getting close at 4pm. It has slowed down in the afternoon heat. After work I am continuing my cleaning/waxing of the Yamaha.
Unfotunately didnt bring boat. Brookville lake

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Out on Falls Lake for the evening....not gonna get a sunset....but beautiful anyway

Kentucky winery and vineyard
I know....y'all have seen enough blueberry pictures, but I like to see all the smiling faces at weigh out when they have picked a bucket of these monsters. The rain lately has sized them up. Ya, that is a quarter under it.


I know....y'all have seen enough blueberry pictures, but I like to see all the smiling faces at weigh out when they have picked a bucket of these monsters. The rain lately has sized them up. Ya, that is a quarter under it.

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Definitely never seen a blueberry that size, I bet they are delicious!
Out on the Lake on the hook as I post. The sail over to NY earlier today. A little back wind in the main, but she wanted to start flat. Later we were on a close haul and saw 7kts S.O.G. on 11 kts wind and 20° heel that was fun.

Willow cleaning the waterline near the bow.


I use an anchor ball.
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We went to the traveling “Beyond Van Gogh” exhibit at the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee this past Friday - it’s absolutely spectacular.

It starts out with several static displays that explain Van Gogh’s life and you end up in a huge room where they have an audio/visual show that is projected on the walls, floors, and two structures in the middle of the room - simply mesmerizing.

I took more video than photos and I’m kicking myself for it.

I know....y'all have seen enough blueberry pictures, but I like to see all the smiling faces at weigh out when they have picked a bucket of these monsters. The rain lately has sized them up. Ya, that is a quarter under it.

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We have one bush in our front yard and this is the first year we've really gotten any fruit. Animals normally eat it, so I built blueberry knox to keep the creatures out. Our season is now over, bush isn't really producing the volume anymore. I would get about half a pound every few days in the peak. I let it go nearly a week and ended up with almost 1.5 lbs. Some of the best blueberries I've ever eaten.
We have one bush in our front yard and this is the first year we've really gotten any fruit. Animals normally eat it, so I built blueberry knox to keep the creatures out. Our season is now over, bush isn't really producing the volume anymore. I would get about half a pound every few days in the peak. I let it go nearly a week and ended up with almost 1.5 lbs. Some of the best blueberries I've ever eaten.
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I don't think I have ever said this to a guy...but, NICE BUSH! lol