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I use to race a Hobie 16 many years ago. I miss flying a hull wearing a butt bucket hanging out on the wire. That was sailing!
Its fun! Can be very relaxing or just downright dangerous. Went out last October in some 35+ winds. The only people out were Kite Surfers. My wife had a couple shots of courage and decided we needed to go out. Good thing my son was with us to run the jib and get out on the wire. I could only last about 45 minutes. At 63 my arm strength isn't what it used to be. I still love it though.


  • Hobie.jpg
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I've been racing Hobie Cats for 30 years. Pretty hard not to push the limits. Glad she enjoys it. Bet she doesn't have "cat bites" like my wife has. The learning curve on a Hobie can be a little rough. Burying the leeward hull at 30 knots when you are out on the wire is pretty violent.

She learned on 26' Solings. She wanted to buy a 16' hobie cat, but I talked her into buying our second sailboat first. No cat bites, but a cockpit traveller can leave a dent in your shin.
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Its fun! Can be very relaxing or just downright dangerous. Went out last October in some 35+ winds. The only people out were Kite Surfers. My wife had a couple shots of courage and decided we needed to go out. Good thing my son was with us to run the jib and get out on the wire. I could only last about 45 minutes. At 63 my arm strength isn't what it used to be. I still love it though.

I am a young guy at 60. Lol, I just started using my drill to raise the mainsail. Saves a lot on the arms. Harken makes the winch bit.

Anybody up North having any Summer temperatures? Getting tired of 60's for a daytime high. It seems the wind has been out of the NNW for weeks now. It makes for cold boating that only @swatski and a few others enjoy. Just kiddin. The blueberries love it as well as customers, but the tomato's and peppers not so much.



I know, I am a sailor. Need the wind to sail. But I am in the u pick til 5. Boats are moving around.

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Anybody up North having any Summer temperatures? Getting tired of 60's for a daytime high. It seems the wind has been out of the NNW for weeks now. It makes for cold boating that only @swatski and a few others enjoy. Just kiddin. The blueberries love it as well as customers, but the tomato's and peppers much.

It's been quite tolerable, that's for sure. It was hot the previous weekend, but a storm came through the state Wednesday to drop temps again. Some really bad damage on the south shore of Lake Poygan, docks destroyed, boats sideways and on the rocks across the shoreline...another storm maybe later today towards dusk, we're liking the weather for the trip, and the air show at the EAA, likely going to cut the trip a little short to avoid the rain on the way back

We'll send you more of this to keep you busy with blueberries ?
Anybody up North having any Summer temperatures? Getting tired of 60's for a daytime high. It seems the wind has been out of the NNW for weeks now. It makes for cold boating that only @swatski and a few others enjoy. Just kiddin. The blueberries love it as well as customers, but the tomato's and peppers not so much.

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I know, I am a sailor. Need the wind to sail. But I am in the u pick til 5. Boats are moving around.

Way too cold, lol.
Me too, had to take a break from boating this weekend.
I almost forgot how this BFG kicks, omg. Even with those (so-called) low recoil loads... (there is no such thing with this s&w 500..., lol).
My Arkansas guy who does my reloads just laughs at it. I tell him there are so many bears here.
It's a ton of fun though.

It was supposed to be cloudy and 71 here. So my plan was lawn mowing, car washing, and some other chores. Not only is it clear it’s almost 80 now. Thanks mr weatherman.

If you're willing to put in the effort, I'm willing to work with you on a method that will allow you to enjoy yourself a lot more.

This is so f$%^ed up, is it serious???

I can not live without my bacon. Existential threat.

@swatski I am just not sure what to say about this and a lot of things that are occurring. My bacon consumption is non negotiable!!!!
I love pigs, don't get me wrong.
But it is a contract, of sorts. They have good life.
And we have our dinners.

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