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New PerfectPass product??

Man am I glad others are seeing the real JBP, I saw through his BS years ago on other products, I called him out on the other site and immediately got harassed. I really try and bite my tongue on this site so I don't get treated like I did on the other site. He's a BS artist.
Definitely not something I like to hear. I am in business for myself. Actions like these will only cost you revenue in the long run.

With that said, I too am interested in the other side of the story. He's been tagged here, so he'll either reply or not. Personally, I will take extended silence as admission. He obviously monitors these forums, as he should, so he's already aware of this thread, or will be soon. No logical reason to ignore it unfortunately, at this point.

My biggest issue with what we've been told so far is the continued use of the RideSteady product. Business deals come and go, and some fall through for whatever reason. When that happens, you may have to make a deal somewhere else. Fine. Probably could've been more professional about it, but I don't get too worked up over that stuff. Everyone's ideas on courtesy are different. The problem is the Ridesteady product not being shipped back or paid for. Its in very obvious use in those videos, and it is absolutely essential in making that wave look the way it looks. There is a percentage of TVW sales that could be directly attributed to the use of RideSteady in those videos, and there will no doubt be people who buy the TVW, and don't understand that the reason their wave doesn't look like the videos is because they don't have RideSteady. That particular issue is way over the line.

I have JBP products and the RideSteady in my boat. I've experienced nothing but EXCEPTIONAL customer service from both entities, and the products I have purchased perform flawlessly.

In my short time running my own business, I have learned that you need to be careful who you piss off. Sometimes it doesn't matter... Sometimes it does.
Well said

He ripped off j rads bimini extension now this. I am not even gonna get into the cjs stuff.
Well said

He ripped off j rads bimini extension now this. I am not even gonna get into the cjs stuff.
Should I start a poll on who wants to me to sell competing bimini extensions...? Lol! I've got the Avenue... just saying. ;)
Definitely not something I like to hear. I am in business for myself. Actions like these will only cost you revenue in the long run.

With that said, I too am interested in the other side of the story. He's been tagged here, so he'll either reply or not. Personally, I will take extended silence as admission. He obviously monitors these forums, as he should, so he's already aware of this thread, or will be soon. No logical reason to ignore it unfortunately, at this point.

My biggest issue with what we've been told so far is the continued use of the RideSteady product. Business deals come and go, and some fall through for whatever reason. When that happens, you may have to make a deal somewhere else. Fine. Probably could've been more professional about it, but I don't get too worked up over that stuff. Everyone's ideas on courtesy are different. The problem is the Ridesteady product not being shipped back or paid for. Its in very obvious use in those videos, and it is absolutely essential in making that wave look the way it looks. There is a percentage of TVW sales that could be directly attributed to the use of RideSteady in those videos, and there will no doubt be people who buy the TVW, and don't understand that the reason their wave doesn't look like the videos is because they don't have RideSteady. That particular issue is way over the line.

I have JBP products and the RideSteady in my boat. I've experienced nothing but EXCEPTIONAL customer service from both entities, and the products I have purchased perform flawlessly.

In my short time running my own business, I have learned that you need to be careful who you piss off. Sometimes it doesn't matter... Sometimes it does.
Very well said.

I hope rising above the nonsense will work for @Ridesteady, it is a superior system by a mile.

The knob (fucking brilliant, I tell ya!)
Marinized electronics (they use gold plated contacts in throttle nodes and replaced all early production Yamaha nodes at no charge to customers)
High powered (25watts) VHF interference filtered out (that's a biggie when seafaring)
Auto-sync firmware upgrade (just amazing, works almost like the "Single Throttle Mode", automatically)
Trouble-free screen with multiple mounting options and auto-dimming (great at night)
Laser sharp precision for speed or RPM control, w/great defaults and wide range adjustments - me and wife feel it is better than auto-ramping due to constantly changing conditions and scenarios where we boat and board
And above all - crazy good customer support!

The addition of this system kind of changes the entire boating experience over time, as one gets used to having it. I use R-S basically every time I'm out, putzing around, watersports, cruising the lakes, rivers, to Bimini crossing, or most recently - 150 mile a day Lake Powell trips for a week - you name it. I don't think I could live without it!!

Hmmm... I don’t plan on driving myself crazy spending thousands of dollars trying to get my ‘06 AR210 to surf but you have me wondering if I’ve been missing out not having this system in general? ?
Hmmm... I don’t plan on driving myself crazy spending thousands of dollars trying to get my ‘06 AR210 to surf but you have me wondering if I’ve been missing out not having this system in general? ?
Totally. I kid you not, it's just so sweet.
If you spend any amount of time cruising around in even moderately rough water you know how difficult it is to make small adjustments AND sync the engines with throttle binnacles. Not with the knob! Total control. (Electronic.)

@swatski Thanks so much for your endorsement! I sound like a broken record, but it's so true - we have absolutely the best customers any business could have. Your support has been so consequential to our success, and I can not thank you enough!!!
Hmmm... I don’t plan on driving myself crazy spending thousands of dollars trying to get my ‘06 AR210 to surf but you have me wondering if I’ve been missing out not having this system in general? ?
You are. For sure. I've done lots of mods now, and spent lots of money. It's probably the one I would keep if I had to get rid of everything else.
That was my though on post number 2. How can you have electric control over something that is mechanical without have a mechanical linkage (servo)
Watch the movie “Maximum Overdrive” it will answer that.
Still waiting for my rooster tail from JBP.
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@swatski Thanks so much for your endorsement! I sound like a broken record, but it's so true - we have absolutely the best customers any business could have. Your support has been so consequential to our success, and I can not thank you enough!!!
Just speaking the obvious, it's very fortunate you decided to develop one of the best Yamaha jetboat aftermarket mods!

We (the forum moderators) have done our best to keep the drama on the forum to a minimum. We only intervene when things get personal or go on too heatedly for too long. Our goal has been to keep the site censorship free and "self moderated", but on a couple of occasions we've stepped in to bring things to a close. This is the single biggest reason we created this forum....we were tired of behind the scenes censorship and banning that was going on without anyone knowing (I linked to my original post on this subject).

Please reach out to one of the moderators if you feel we are not meeting your expectations. Our goal is to facilitate a forum where all boaters can share their experiences/knowledge etc about our favorite pastime!
Sorry, meant to include the below quotes with my message above.....(if you are wondering why I wrote that!) :cool:

I really loathe the intervendor drama on here (that at least now was limited to two people), but I think the forum is owed the other side of this story. If true, this is egregious.
I really try and bite my tongue on this site so I don't get treated like I did on the other site.
We (the forum moderators) have done our best to keep the drama on the forum to a minimum. We only intervene when things get personal or go on too heatedly for too long. Our goal has been to keep the site censorship free and "self moderated", but on a couple of occasions we've stepped in to bring things to a close. This is the single biggest reason we created this forum....we were tired of behind the scenes censorship and banning that was going on without anyone knowing (I linked to my original post on this subject).

Please reach out to one of the moderators if you feel we are not meeting your expectations. Our goal is to facilitate a forum where all boaters can share their experiences/knowledge etc about our favorite pastime!
I think y'all have done a fantastic job! There's no way to avoid all drama on a successful board such as this with so many people and points of view.

Allowing vendors like us adds an extra level of risk of drama, but I think it also can add a lot of value to both sides, as it can serve as a public conduit that you wouldn't have otherwise.

I very much appreciate the sense of community that all the mods have built here. Jetboaters.net is definitely the premier, most active board I've ever been on. Thanks so much!!! :thumbsup:
Sorry, meant to include the below quotes with my message above.....(if you are wondering why I wrote that!) :cool:

Yep, and that's really a testament to how good this place is, and why even singular conflicts can cause angst among members (some moreso than others).
Definitely not something I like to hear. I am in business for myself. Actions like these will only cost you revenue in the long run.

With that said, I too am interested in the other side of the story. He's been tagged here, so he'll either reply or not. Personally, I will take extended silence as admission. He obviously monitors these forums, as he should, so he's already aware of this thread, or will be soon. No logical reason to ignore it unfortunately, at this point.

My biggest issue with what we've been told so far is the continued use of the RideSteady product. Business deals come and go, and some fall through for whatever reason. When that happens, you may have to make a deal somewhere else. Fine. Probably could've been more professional about it, but I don't get too worked up over that stuff. Everyone's ideas on courtesy are different. The problem is the Ridesteady product not being shipped back or paid for. Its in very obvious use in those videos, and it is absolutely essential in making that wave look the way it looks. There is a percentage of TVW sales that could be directly attributed to the use of RideSteady in those videos, and there will no doubt be people who buy the TVW, and don't understand that the reason their wave doesn't look like the videos is because they don't have RideSteady. That particular issue is way over the line.

I have JBP products and the RideSteady in my boat. I've experienced nothing but EXCEPTIONAL customer service from both entities, and the products I have purchased perform flawlessly.

In my short time running my own business, I have learned that you need to be careful who you piss off. Sometimes it doesn't matter... Sometimes it does.

Well said and I think JBP's silence is deafening in this situation.

I also think it speaks volumes that Ridesteady kept this business ordeal to themselves until it was brought out in the open by another source. They purposely did not engage in drama or anything until they were kinda forced to give the story of what happened to protect the name they have made for themselves!
A little off topic, but I've got a brand new set of Tru-lock 2's, never used if anyone wants them.
Yeah has to be the same support level as RideSteady which requires the APS to interface with. Can’t imagine how else this would work.
They already make a Servo enabled product, maybe the servo is optional for the boats that need it on this product?

Looks like they do have some servomechanism available.

Also says JBP has taken over production.

Looks like they do have some servomechanism available.

Also says JBP has taken over production.

View attachment 97284

I may be reading this wrong, but it sounds like they are stopping production on Sept 30th and JBP bought all of the stock through Sept 30th and you can only buy from him.
On the original facebook post it says that it's JBP exclusive for the first 90 days. "The new Yamaha Specific Perfect Pass System will be a JetBoatPilot Exclusive for the first 90 days. "

This whole situation seems so shady....
Sounds like the new focus is APS only and sold via JetBoatPilot for the summer, and those without APS can contact PerfectPass directly. So it does not read like JBP will sell the servo version at this time.