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    Membership allows you to ask questions (no matter how mundane), meet up with other jet boaters, see full images (not just thumbnails), browse the member map and qualifies you for members only discounts offered by vendors who run specials for our members only! (It also gets rid of this banner!)

    free hit counter

Forum News! New "warning" feature now live - No Personal Attacks, Partisan Politics etc

The vast majority get caught during registration but some slip through.

Lately it seems to attract one or so a week. They never seem to pick a real boat in their info either.
Lately it seems to attract one or so a week. They never seem to pick a real boat in their info either.
Yup....the fact that they enter the custom data really helps us whittle out the spammers as you point out....its rarely, if ever, a real boat combination!
Lately it seems to attract one or so a week. They never seem to pick a real boat in their info either.

Putting some numbers to it we have "spam cleaned" 341 posts since March 2014. The users who post in this thread are "spam cleaned". They often have multiple posts when we spam clean them. We started auto rejecting users in 2019 and have rejected 3,979 users before they spammed our forum. Based on automated criteria, including lists of spammers from other forums that we contribute to, they may be automatically rejected or sent into a queue for administrator review.

I also have blocked 25 IP address ranges from which we have had multiple fake accounts created. Most of those are Russian IPs.

Thanks for reporting these spammers.
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[USERGROUP=3]@Administrative[/USERGROUP] ...Selling clothes? I did not know that Boston Whaler made an 18' long jetski in 2008. LMFAO. Do they not have pleasure boats for Comrads? Just Oligarchs? SPAM! You guys have not guessed one right yet. How about giving those clothes to the refugees that your buddy putin has displaced in Ukraine! [HASH=6426]#getthefuckoutofukraine[/HASH], [HASH=6428]#gofuckyourself[/HASH] Enjoy the sanctions!
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Another very nice choice of watercraft.


I am sure that railing factory will be very busy fixing all the destruction that Russia's [HASH=6434]#Putin[/HASH]'s war has done in Ukraine. Enjoy the sanctions!
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If you mean to say our administrators will not sell to Elon for $40 billion... I don't know I could blame them for taking the money if it came down to it.... It's the long game!!!!

Just kidding, I know you'd never sell!
If you mean to say our administrators will not sell to Elon for $40 billion... I don't know I could blame them for taking the money if it came down to it.... It's the long game!!!!

Just kidding, I know you'd never sell!
If Elon wants to do a leveraged buy out of the forum....bring it on! He can leverage this volunteer into retirement! For $40B I'd even stay on and work for free to keep the site going! :winkingthumbsup"
! Removed
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