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Jealous! I spent a good majority of my lunch debating skipping out on work early and heading out to Crab Island, definitely going be out there Saturday, been a great week down here for boating, water has clearing up nicely, ocean was a little murky until a few days ago from that tropical storm

Yeah you probably should have skipped work haha. As you've seen, the water has been super clear lately. ?
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Got out on father's day

Gearing up for a 90° weedwacking morning in the Blueberry field earlier.


Filling the reel with trimmer string. How many of you ever wonder what that blade attached was for, "it won't cut the string".


Well it works slicker than you know what when used as designed.


Fold in half and pinch between your fingers and just barely touch the blade and it splits in half.


This one has instructions on that little tag, but who reads instructions.
@Speedling After looking at the videos under what you posted I am ready to sell my vehicles and turn in my drivers license.
Ha! Dudes got some money and didn't wanna lose the brand new boat! Don't blame him for tryin but perhaps a better way?
Did i really just do this?? And parked behind my wife's car !! Trying to replace some burnt bulbs in the gauge cluster

I may be using the help function shortly

Did i really just do this?? And parked behind my wife's car !! Trying to replace some burnt bulbs in the gauge cluster

I may be using the help function shortly

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I remember doing this along with a few other mods, and being terrified I was gonna set off the airbag when removing some of the dash sections
That old pickup should be pretty easy to disassemble/reassemble. Look on the bright side, you can still start it and move it without the cluster in. These new vehicles who knows if they’ll even start without it.
Did i really just do this?? And parked behind my wife's car !! Trying to replace some burnt bulbs in the gauge cluster

I may be using the help function shortly

Partial success !!

Lights work, I can now see my gear selection, odometer and have a generally brighter cluster at night,

I broke a few more mounting points in the removal, brittle, old plastic, so now I may be on the hunt for a new black cluster cover as the current one won't snap into the dash at the top,

The first one I’ve seen on the road here in Northern CA, with a hot woman driving it, she caught me staring at both so I didn’t feel comfortable taking any more pics. 2020 generation 8 Corvette.



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The first one I’ve seen on the road here in Northern CA, with a hot woman driving it, she caught me staring at both so I didn’t feel comfortable taking any more pics. 2020 generation 8 Corvette.

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Doctor at the hospital i am working at has one and i didn't even realize what it was at first!
@Ronnie My neighbhor has C8 #14 off the assembly line. He's supposedly the #1 Corvette salesman in the country.

Thought I had a pic of it, I can't find it now.

Anywho, here's a video of it. It's pretty damn wild. My wife is one of the group he's talking to here. I was inside getting a beer when he pulled up. You can see my boat in the background at 17:04

The first one I’ve seen on the road here in Northern CA, with a hot woman driving it, she caught me staring at both so I didn’t feel comfortable taking any more pics. 2020 generation 8 Corvette.

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That's it, we took a vote and we're are changing your name to Clark Griswold