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Yamaha Boats featured on Today show story about Carbon Monoxide


Jetboaters Fleet Admiral 2*
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Raleigh, NC 27614
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242X E-Series
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I think the number of drownings on boats could have been reduced 80% if those folks had been wearing PFD’s. Also there are a number of deaths related to not wearing an engine cutoff lanyard. Point is, the manual makes it clear that those devices should be used by all occupants, yet somehow those incidents are just tragic accidents….

This attorney is your typical ambulance chaser and is looking to exploit a family’s grief for his own benefit… his statement about the family wanting answers is total bullshit.
The problem with CO poisoning is that it alone can kill you. Falling off the boat and drowning can certainly accelerate death, but just sitting and breathing CO alone will kill you. It will do it slowly and stealthily too. The only treatment once you've got too much CO binding to your hemoglobin is to get to a hospital ASAP, and ideally get hyperbaric oxygen treatment.